Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Target Donates to Schools

The Target company will donate a percentage of the money you spend at there stores to the school of your choice!

Using the Target card in their stores enables a customer to name their favorite public or private school as the recipient of contributions donated by Target to that school based on a percentage of what you spend using the card.

To apply for a Target card GO HERE.

"Flower" Power

    We suffer from Word Prejudice, the preconceived meanings we lay unto words.  We've stopped looking, and stopped thinking about the real meanings of words and thus are surprised to be reminded that the word disease means dis - ease -- the lack or absence of ease.

     That reminder evokes new meaning for a word we've frozen in prejudice (or pre-judged-ICE).  Disease is not just a malady or fight we undertake against some unknown, virulent bacteria (or bacterial virus if you prefer).  It's simply the absence of ease.  Hence, we wonder, may we fight off disease with, simply, EASE?

     Of course!  Why not ease into balance and health and replace the absence of ease with ease.  It's so self nurturing.

     If you can't imagine yourself being nurturing, think of your mother, or grandmother.  When you experienced her healing, nurturing  love, wasn't she totally at ease?

     What then is more powerful  --  for female and male alike -- than our feminine healing energy?  Next time your feeling ill, go with the power of the flower -- the FLOW - ER, that is.  

Heal.  Go with the flow.

It's EASY!